Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Best French Toast Ever!

Several weeks ago at our MOPS meeting, the lady in charge of the kitchen at the church prepared french toast for us mommies.  I was completely blown away at my first bite.  I had never tasted french toast like this before.  There was something different & amazing about it, but I couldn't put my finger on it.  It almost had a sweet and salty taste.  Might sound weird, but it was sooo good!

I asked Reba what she had done to make her french toast.  She listed some of the usual ingredients - eggs, milk, cinnamon, vanilla.  And, then she told me her secret ingredient.  And, I'll bet you could never guess this in a million years, because it sure surprised me.  She also uses adobo!  For those of you who don't know, this is a seasoning typically used in latino dishes.

Well, I immediately went out and bought some adobo seasoning and tried it when mixing french toast at home.  It is so yummy!   And, this is how I will make my french toast from now on.  Incidentally, Reba used to own a restaurant and she said she used adobo on a lot of her meats...nothing else, just the adobo.  And, she would consistently get comments and rave reviews about the flavor.

Now,  I need to let you in on another secret.  I also came across a recipe for home-made syrup at another blog.  I thought I remembered which blog but now I can't find it when I search that blog.  So, I'd love to give recognition where it is due.  If it was your blog where I found this, please let me know & I'll include a link.  Anyway, here is the recipe for home-made syrup.  Drizzle this yumminess over this french toast yumminess and you've got pure bliss!

Home-made Syrup
1 cube butter
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 cup white sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp baking soda

The recipe says to combine all ingredients except the vanilla & bring to a boil.  I found it worked better for me if I did it this way...Bring all ingredients except vanilla & baking soda to a boil.  Add baking soda & boil for one minute.  Remove from heat and stir in vanilla.  Serve.


  1. It's not from my blog, but I've used that same recipe, and it's the BEST. I agree with adding the b. soda later, it makes it too foamy if you add it earlier.
    I live here in AZ, so I'm headed out to get that stuff if it's that good!

  2. Sounds yummy! I'm so used to buying the sugar free family would not know what hit them if I made this syrup!


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