"Hmmmm. I wonder if it fits again now that I've lost some weight?"
Now fully distracted from my original purpose I pulled it out and tried it on. I was completely delighted to find that it fit. It was a bit (Ok - very) wrinkled from being shoved in the back of the closet so long, but it made me feel pretty.
So, I started dancing around in my fancy black dress.
Charlie, who was hanging out with me in my room, said "Mom. Stop it."
"Stop what honey?"
"Stop dancing. You're not at church."
Say what? I chuckled. But, it made me realize the vastly different experiences my children have at church in relation to my own experiences as a kid.
I grew up in a conservative Brethren in Christ church which has it's roots in the Anabaptist tradition ( Mennonites, Amish, Church of the Brethren, etc. have the same historical roots). Our services were very traditional. Hymns were our mainstay. And, people simply didn't clap or raise their hands in worship. And, they certainly didn't dance.
Fast forward to today. John and I take our family to non-demoninational church that I suppose could be considered 'charismatic'. I am still hugely self-concious about raising my hands or dancing...and I generally don't. That conservative upbringing is still pretty deeply ingrained.
But, many people in our church do these things. And, I guess now Charlie associates dancing with church.
So, I'm curious. What kind of church experiences are your children having? Is it different from your own as a child? Would you consider your church traditional or contemporary? I'd love to hear.